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Event Calendar

Two Lights for Tomorrow

Two Lights for Tomorrow is a nationwide initiative to commence the celebration of the 250th birthday of the United States of America. The famous ride of Paul Revere occurred overnight on April 18 – 19, 1775. Two Lights for Tomorrow commemorates that famous ride and uses the imagery of that shining light today as a uniting call to action for our citizens to celebrate and serve. 

Two Lights for Tomorrow

On the night of April 18th-19th, 1775, Paul Revere rode into history guided by two lights in the North Church steeple. “One if by land, two if by sea,” he raced through the darkness calling citizens to action and igniting a fight for freedom. 250 years later, on April 18th, 2025, we will honor his legacy with two lights for tomorrow. Just as those lights rallied the nation 250 years ago, they now serve as a beacon for us to come together, to remember, to celebrate, and to act. This is our call to reflect on the ideals of courage, service, and unity that shaped our nation, and to carry them forward. Join in this celebration by displaying two lights on the night of April 18th. We invite homes, businesses, schools, and community centers–all Americans–to display “two lights” through the night of April 18th as a reminder that the light that called Paul Revere to action is not just a symbol of the past; it is a challenge to us today. As those lights shine as a reminder of what it means to be better citizens, we also invite everyone to commit to making April 19th a day of service. Watch for opportunities to serve on April 19th. Learn more about the Two Lights for Tomorrow Initiative at America250 in Idaho.

World War II Plane Crashes

Watch for upcoming information about Bingham County Historical Society’s presentation regarding the World War II plane crashes in Bingham County. This presentation will be given in June. Exact date and location will be forthcoming. 

Group Tours

Special group tours of the museum or archive can be arranged by contacting the museum or archive on the Contact Us page.