About Us
Bingham County Historical Society (BCHS) strives to provide a means whereby individuals interested in the history of Bingham County, Idaho, can meet and acquaint themselves with the history of the county. The Society strives to acquire and preserve historical objects, documents, photographs, and other items. The Society works to disseminate historical information and facts through meetings, programs, trips, and any other means deemed suitable.
Bingham County Historical Society operates the Bingham County Historical Museum located at 190 North Shilling, Blackfoot, Idaho, and the Bingham County Historical Society Archive located at 121 North Shilling, Blackfoot, Idaho.
Bingham County Historical is a nonprofit organization exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The staff and Board of Directors of Bingham County Historical Society are unpaid volunteers who serve because of their passion for preserving the history of Bingham County. Volunteers and donations are greatly appreciated.
- Bingham County Historical Society Board of Directors
- Executive Director: Heather McPhie
- President: Susan Nalley
- President Elect: Jerry Gwynn
- Head Archivist: Lynda Bales
County Historian: Leslie Mickelsen
Museum Curator: Kay Sorensen
Treasurer: Shauna Wheelwright
Secretary: Sheri Herrick - Other Board Members: Chad Cole, Tera Young, Michelle Talbot
- Bingham County Clerk: Pam Eckhardt
- Constitution U2019
- By Laws U2014